Fuck narcissism...

  • Have you experienced repeated patterns of manipulation, coercion, and devaluation in your relationship?

  • Have you experienced gaslighting and find yourself constantly questioning your own worth, sanity, and perception of reality?

  • Have you been isolated from friends and family and cut off you’re your support systems?

  • Do you submit your will to please them and consequently have lost trust in yourself?

  • Are you ready to break free and R.I.S.E. above narcissism?

Break the trauma bond & cycle of narcissistic abuse.

Reclaim your life today.

Jamie, I am beyond grateful for this experience. This program provided me with the insights I needed to understand the damaging effects of narcissistic abuse and why I felt so broken. The group session made me feel I wasn’t alone in this and the sense of community helped me to feel validated and understood. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who has suffered from narcissistic abuse.

- Helen


Above Narcissism

Breaking the cycle of narcissistic abuse:

Clarity & understanding to reclaim your life.

What You'll Learn?

  • What is NARCISSISM and what are the symptoms of NARCISSITIC PERSONALITY DISORDER (NPD)

  • How a narcissist FILTER, PROCESS and COMPREHEND information

  • How & why a narcissist THINK, FEEL and ACT the way they do

  • What are the TYPES of NARCISSISM and how they differ

  • Why a narcissist is able to ADDICT YOU to them and the reason for YOUR responsive behavior

  • How to CO-PARENT with a narcissist

  • How to break the TRAUMA BOND after narcissistic abuse

  • How to HEAL, RE-BUILD your self-worth and RECLAIM your life after Narcissism

Who is this for?

  • Anyone who have experienced narcissistic abuse in their personal or professional relationships.

  • Anyone who struggles with feelings of self-doubt, worthlessness, and anxiety caused by abuse.

  • Anyone who needs to understand and recognise the patterns of narcissistic abuse and how to deal with it in a healthy way.

  • Anyone who is struggling to move on from an abusive relationship.

  • Anyone who have a history of attracting narcissistic partners.

  • Anyone who have experienced love-bombing, gaslighting, manipulation or grooming.

Please know that I am not being dramatic when I say this seminar has saved my life. I have suffered from narcissistic abuse for most of my life, have spent tens of thousands of dollars on therapy only to still feel worthless and hopeless. In 90 minutes you made me laugh and cry I might add (wanker..LOL), but you have given me understanding, insights, a fresh perspective and for the first time ever, hope. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m crying again (ass hole LOL).

- Rose

Providing Group Interaction,

Support & Personalised Learning

  • LIVE 60-minute presentation

  • LIVE 30-minute Question & Answer session

  • VIP Facebook Access - Lifetime

  • Comprehensive understanding of all aspects of narcissism and how to BREAK FREE from it

$25 / AUD

Providing Personalised Learning,

Guidance & Coaching

  • One-On-One private coaching

  • Individualised support and tailored advice

  • Absolute privacy and confidentiality

  • Enhanced learning and skill development

$347 / AUD

© Copyrights by Jamie Ryder. All Rights Reserved.