FORTIFY | Boundary Management

  • Would you consider yourself a people pleaser?

  • Do struggle to say “NO” without feeling guilt and shame?

  • Do you sacrifice your needs for the needs of others?

  • Are you ready to break free and learn to speak your truth with peaceful confidence?

It’s time to reclaim your life, learn to manage your boundaries

and to set yourself free.

Providing Freedom, Flexibility & Self-Paced Learning

  • Lifetime access

  • Six specialised videos

  • Comprehensive workbook

  • Email Support

$197/ AUD

Providing group interaction, support and personalised learning

  • LIVE 60-minute presentation

  • VIP Facebook Access - Lifetime

  • Comprehensive workbook

  • Live 30-minute Q&A

$25/ AUD


Boundary Management

Setting and managing boundaries is your Self-Worth, Intuition and Integrity in action.


What You'll Learn?

  • How to BREAK FREE from abuse & manipulation

  • How to say “NO”, FREE of GUILT & SHAME

  • How to speak YOUR TRUTH with peaceful confidence

  • How to clearly see RED FLAGS, understand their true meaning and know what to do with them

  • How to empower your SELF-WORTH, listen to your INTUITION and live with INTEGRITY for YOU

  • How to implement this into YOUR LIFE and set yourself FREE

Who is this for?

  • Anyone who has difficulty saying "no,".

  • Anyone who have a tendency to put the needs of others before their own.

  • Anyone who have a hard time setting and enforcing boundaries in their relationships.

  • Anyone who have experienced trauma

  • Anyone who have a history of co-dependency

I never had a healthy understanding of boundaries. I have triggers I’ve been able to say now they are being managed. The Boundary Management program has helped me understand how to set my boundaries. Thank you for being a voice that helped me understand.

- Beck

© Copyrights by Jamie Ryder. All Rights Reserved.